April 5, 2011


Donald Maas has been tweeting daily Breakout Novel Prompts. You can follow him, but here are my favorites:

Before a new character debuts, give your MC an expectation or fear. Make the reality three times better or worse

What does your MC know about people that no one else does? Create 3 moments when he/she spots that in others.

In the last dialogue passage you wrote double the friction, disagreement, overt hostility or hidden agenda

What principle guides your MC? At what moment is it most tested? When does it fail? Put it into action three times.

Give your MC passionate feelings about something trivial: e.g., cappuccino, bowling, argyle socks. Write his/her rant. Add it.

In your climactic scene, what are 3 details of place that only your MC would notice? Cut more obvious details, replace with these.

During a big dramatic event, what’s one small thing your POV character realizes will never change or never be the same again? Add

What does a sidekick character know about your MC that your MC refuses to see? Force a showdown over it.

How does your POV character change in your current scene? Work backwards. Make that change unlikely, a surprise or impossible.

Choose a middle scene: What does POV character feel most strongly? Evoke that feeling without naming it, through actions alone.

Find any violence in your ms. Delete any shock, fear or horror. Replace with two *conflicting* emotions that are less obvious.

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